A truly Victorian board game of wit and podsnappery. Martin Wallace’s best-selling title in a brand new deluxe edition.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
about 6 years ago
– Sat, Dec 22, 2018 at 12:17:36 AM
Hello everyone!
The month has passed by like a single day. It is the busiest part of the year, as you must focus on the season sales and, at the same time, you have to continue your daily design and development duties. Fortunately we love to design and develop games, so we had a lot of Nanty Narking in our heads! :)
The production proofs of the miniatures are already done and the molds are in production now. This is a very expensive and time-consuming process, so it needs to be done as the first one, to keep the production of the miniatures on schedule.
We have finished the graphic design of all game components. Here are the final layouts of the board…
… and cards.
As you can see above, we use both sides of the board to give you an ability to choose if you like to play on a more ‘artistic’, or more ‘game oriented’, version of the map. Both of them look outstanding, especially with colorful miniatures displayed on them.
The cards are beautiful, and the new agents and buildings cards are so lovely, with these small 3D paintings of the miniatures. All these items combined give an unique effect that we are very happy about.
In the meantime we are working on the final version of the rules, player aid charts and game cards text. Thank you for your feedback posted at BoardGameGeek.com that helps us to standardize all in-game text. When we finish, these texts will be sent to our partners for translation and layout. We will definitely show you all these components for final proofreading before we press the print button.
Our next update will be posted in January, so this is the best time to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019. Thank you for being here with us, helping in bringing this fantastic game back to the market. Hope to have your support in 2019, as we have prepared great titles for you!
All the best!
about 6 years ago
– Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 11:27:11 PM
Hello everyone!
The Backerkit Pledge Manager (PM) is now open, and you should receive an email invitation soon (in 1-3 days). If not, please check your SPAM folder. If you still can’t see the invitation, please go directly to https://nanty-narking.backerkit.com/ and use your Kickstarter registration e-mail to get your invitation.
After you click the invitation link, please select "Your Pledge Level" and then “Switch Pledge Levels?” in order to select the pledge level and language edition you want to to receive.
This will help us determine the correct shipping costs for your language edition and location.
Then continue with the survey, to double check your language edition.
Then continue with the add-ons. Please add to your cart the items you wish to add to your order - as it is done in a regular web shop. Your pledged amount is your available credit. But you can purchase any extra items, and total to be paid will be created indlucing the shipping price.
Finally, enter your shipping address, pay the balance, and click "Place Order" and you'll be all set.
Please note that the free Artbook for backers #1-#2200 and the free Victorian Metal Coins set for all backers who pledged Round World Pledge during the campaign will be added automatically to your order by our system. If you are getting more than one copy of the game in your pledge, we will add the extra copies of these items manually upon closing the Pledge Manager.
Once you respond to your survey, you can still go back later and change your choices until we close the surveys and get our final counts. If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at
If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at https://nanty-narking.backerkit.com/faq
If you have any questions about the Pledge Manager or how your order is processed, please make sure to contact Backerkit Support first, as the tool is very user-friendly and has a solid helpdesk. If they can’t help you, please contact Michał Parma, our Logistics Manager: michal.parma[at]vertima.trade
The Pledge Manager is open for anyone who would like to receive the game at the same time as the Kickstarter backers. Here is a link to the preorder page (it works like a regular web shop): https://nanty-narking.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders
Please note that the Victorian Metal Coins set is sold separately (as an add-on), as it was free only for Kickstarter backers. Everything else is the same as in the campaign, so you will be receiving just the same game as Kickstarter backers (including all stretch goals, etc.).
Happy gaming!
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 10:30:48 PM
Hello Everyone!
Tomorrow we are leaving for Essen Spiel 2018, the world’s biggest board game fair. Our booth is 2-B106, and we will be demoing Nanty Narking on two tables, so please feel invited to stop by and try the game! You will be able to check the quality of the miniature sculpts, and giant playing mats / metal coins pre-production samples.
What is more, you will not only play the game, but also help us with mass-playtesting of agent and building cards! :) Your feedback will be collected and will help us to finish the development of these variants. And after these final playtest we will be able to close the ruleset, cards text, and move forward with game production (proofreading, translations, layout of the files etc.).
For all of you who won’t be able to visit the fair, here are the rules from these variants (the images on the cards are place-holders made for the fair):
Agent Cards and Building Cards game variant
During game setup, before players place their pieces on the board, shuffle the Agent Cards and deal 3 cards to each player, then shuffle the Building Cards and deal 1 card to each player. Place the remaining Agent / Building cards to the side without examining them. You keep these cards secret until you decide to play them. These cards give an extra ability to your specified Agents and Buildings, when their miniatures are placed on the game board. You can use these abilities at any time during your turn (alike City Area Cards abilities). Some of the cards are one use only, some have an ongoing effect and some act as interrupt cards. The detailed description of each ability is written on the card.
If the ability has an ongoing effect and is currently in play (the card is revealed), and the connected agent / building gets removed from the board, you have to remove this card from the game as well.
Agent Cards
Building Cards
Please give us your feedback under this update. All your comments are always welcome!
The pledge manager will be opened in the middle of November, as we need to set up all the details and be on place for troubleshooting.
Thank you, and see you in Essen!
over 6 years ago
– Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 11:52:34 PM
Hello Everyone!
Thank you very much for this short, but very intense campaign. It was an experiment, but we are very happy with the final outcome. Many of you have not only backed the game, but also interacted with the story (and enjoyed it!), and this was the greatest part of doing this campaign from our side.
We won’t spoil you the other endings, as maybe in the future we will be able to publish this gamebook in the PDF, to let you try other ways of investigation. The whole paragraph game was written by Mikołaj Kołyszko, who does this professionally. Just check out how this looks from the designer’s point of view (yes, there is a web tool for this!):
The whole text with images is nearly 190 pages, that is why we can’t print this!
So, have they survived and lived happily ever after?
Next project
It has become a custom, that we announce our next project in the last update of our current Kickstarter campaign. As you have probably noticed, we like to see various coincidences. It is like stars aligning in the right order. An omen, if you wish.
Will this next game be connected with Nanty Narking? Maybe taking place in the same times? Will there be a woman on the box? Who would know first?
Well, in the information age, those are in the know, who participate. And soon, you will have a chance to participate too. We call it PHALANX Club - yet just a simple platform that would both keep you informed about our future projects, let you participate in their creation and influence our decisions and maybe even receive something earlier or based on exclusivity. We aim to develop it further but we need to start simple.
Please stay tuned!
IMPORTANT: Pledge Manager details
Please read the following info, as this is very important post-campaign data that all of you need to know:
1. We will be setting up the pledge manager as soon as possible - we will use BackerKit.com. It will allow you to:
manage your pledges (check your items, add or remove items from your pledge),
purchase extra copies of the game, add-ons etc.,
enter your delivery addresses,
choose language editions.
Please do not send us messages containing the above information, as we will be unable to process it. These kinds of choices are made in the pledge manager ONLY.
2. People who have missed the campaign will be able to make a late pledge in the pledge manager. You won't receive the free metal Victorian coins set, as this was a bonus for Kickstarter backers only, but you will be able to get it as an add-on. The Kickstarter version of the game is the same as pre-ordered or retail version. There are no game related Kickstarter exclusives here!
3. Once the pledge manager is open, you will receive an email notification. There is also going to be a separate update too. You really can’t miss it, although please check your spam email from time to time. ;)
4. The pledge manager should go live in 2 months after the campaign finished, as we need to make the final quotes for shipping based on the number of backers from each country, and setup all the products in the manager. It will be live for another 2 months.
The pledge manager works like a standard webshop where you choose items you want to get for your credit (the amount pledged during the campaign). You will be able to increase your credit, to pay for shipping and add-ons, if you choose any. You WILL BE ABLE to use PayPal in there!
5. Current payments are processed by Kickstarter, so please contact their help desk if you have any problems with charging your cards. Sorry, but we can't help you in any way, as this is run solely by Kickstarter and we have no influence over this process.
6. We will keep you updated about game development and production status. We won’t be spamming, but we will try making a at least a single update a month, or more if there is anything important to share.
That’s all for now. See you in the comments section and in the next updates!
Thank you, this was a great story.
PS. Oh, how could we forget! The game miniatures fit into the box nicely...
...but let’s pack them into a cosy, dedicated miniature tray. OK?
Please treat this as a small bonus, to thank you for the joy that you gave us in past three weeks. :)
Jaro, Waldemar & Michał
EPILOGUE: Revolutionist
over 6 years ago
– Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 01:44:55 AM
This is the final episode of our story, under this link you will find a previous one. Let's confront the fate!
EPILOGUE: Revolutionist
Maybe the world has to change. Maybe it will change for the better. To be fair, I had my doubts about what the future could be holding and getting there in a revolutionary way, but fate bound me with Lenore, so I decided to trust it.
And trust her.
The chartists wanted to change the world for the benefit of the people in a peaceful way, and they were persecuted and hindered. Maybe the radical way is the only one that leads to change?
A couple of days later, I was standing next to my beloved on a barricade in London. I was looking at the mounted police with rifles and hard batons riding in our direction. They did not know that instead of frightened people they would encounter disciplined and trained fighters, who intended to greet them with a salvo from their own rifles.
Let's hope the Queen would start to negotiate with us very soon, because... Buckingham Palace is not far away.
Thank you for your participation in creating this story. It was a great experience for us, which we will remember for the rest of our lives. Thank you!