A truly Victorian board game of wit and podsnappery. Martin Wallace’s best-selling title in a brand new deluxe edition.
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EPISODE 13: About Horses and Dogs
over 6 years ago
– Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 12:54:12 AM
This is a story driven Kickstarter campaign. It will be run as a paragraph game (gamebook). Under this link you will find a previous episode of the story. And here is a new one:
EPISODE 13: About Horses and Dogs
I went to the tenement where Mister Thomas Gradgrind lived. Fortunately, he was present in his flat. When he opened the door, his expression was very serious and haughty. Upon learning I wanted to talk to him, he invited me into his living room. He offered me some chicory coffee; I declined and then he went straight to the point.
'What brings you to me?'
'Apparently you were the one who recommended a woman named Lenore as a governess for Lord Bellinger.'
'Yes, that's true.'
'Was it because of you she arrived in London?'
'I'm afraid so.'
'Why "afraid"? Wasn't she doing a good job?'
'I said "afraid", because she died. As for her job, it's not my place to judge. Lord Bellinger was very satisfied with her, but I know that a couple of weeks before her mysterious departure she started to act strangely, which led to her moving to East End, which, in turn, ended in a tragedy.'
'What do you mean by "strange"?'
'It would be best to ask Lord Bellinger personally. I just know his account. She started to fraternize with the servants too much for anyone's good taste and was leaving the mansion more and more often. When handing in her resignation she was unable to explain her behaviour.'
'How did you even know Lenore?'
'Oh, she was my student. She got my attention when I asked her what "a horse" is.'
'Because she answered: "An odd-toed ungulate mammal of Equus kind. Herbivorous, has forty teeth, including: twenty-four molars, four fangs, and twelve incisors. Moults in the spring; in muddy areas sheds also hooves. His hooves are hard, but need to be shoed with iron. His age can be discerned by teeth and marks in his muzzle." Do you understand?'
'Are you suggesting my Lenore was insane?'
A deathly silence followed and Mister Gradgrind’s face went from surprised to quite angry.
'No, you ignoramus! She was a genius. Honestly, being a governess was much below her, but still the best she could have done.'
'I understand.'
'You don't understand shit. Tell me: What is "a dog"? Go on! Show me your intelligence.'
'A dog?' I asked, frightened by his reaction.
'Yes, "a dog".'
'A dog is...' I was actually more and more nervous 'is... an animal.'
'A roe deer is also an animal, but is she the same as a dog?'
'No, a dog barks.'
Mister Gradgrind lifted his eyebrows.
'Is this all you can manage?'
'A dog has four paws...' This madman made my hands sweat. 'It lives in a kennel...' I remembered then my old dog, which helped me to better describe this animal. 'Its name is Rex, he can give a paw and likes dried bull's penises.'
'Are you quite right in the head?' Mister Gradgrind stood up, outraged. 'All dogs are "Rexes" for you and like such monstrosities?'
My face went red from the shame.
'A dog is an animal from...' started my torturer in a moralizing tone.
‘Goodbye,’ I said and left that torture chamber running.
My investigation was a disaster, so I went back to the inn. Tomorrow I had to take the last circumstantial evidence I had found.
Professor Moriarty. Sherlock Holmes pointed to him as the most probable murderer. He also said that it was impossible, because Moriarty was allegedly killed by him, but the tale about their epic battle sounded suspicious, even to Doctor Watson.
The truth was that Moriarty was alive, being a frequent visitor to Hyde Park. If he's alive, then according to Holmes he is most certainly one of the suspects. One cannot ignore the opinion of such a famous detective.
“Go on! Show me your intelligence.” Story Goal achieved!
New personality card revealed: Thomas Gradgrind
New game variant revealed: Agent Cards.
There will be no voting today and tomorrow, as we want to let you (and us) have a little break during the weekend. :)
Instead of voting, please share here your thoughts about the plot - your suspicions and visions of how the story will end! And soon we will find out which one of you was closest to the truth!
Please tell your friends about this project, as we would love to have more people here - to create together the epic end of this story! Your votes will decide the final outcome. :)
Agent Cards game variant
This variant adds another new layer of tactics to the game. Each agent miniature on the board receives a special action, themed according to it’s name and design.
During game setup, before players place their pieces on the board, shuffle the Agent Cards and deal 3 cards to each player. Place the remaining Agent Cards to the side without examining them. You keep these cards secret until you decide to play them. These cards give an extra ability to your specified Agents, when their miniatures are placed on the game board. You can use these abilities at any time during your turn (alike City Area Cards abilities). Some of the cards are one use only, some have an ongoing effect and some act as interrupt cards. The detailed description of each ability is written on the card.
If the ability has an ongoing effect and is currently in play (the card is revealed), and the connected agent gets removed from the board, you have to remove this card from the game as well.
Now our variants list is nearly complete. When using them, you will play a different, more tactical game, than in the previous version.
Thank you for your continous support and have a happy weekend!
EPISODE 7: The Kidsman
over 6 years ago
– Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 06:37:52 PM
This is a story driven Kickstarter campaign. It will be run as a paragraph game (gamebook). Under this link you will find a previous episode of the story. And here is a new one:
EPISODE 7: The Kidsman
Minding the beggars sitting along the pavement, I reached the tenement Nancy talked about and clambered up to the last floor. Even at the corridor I was already hearing the hullabaloo of boyish screams and frolicking. But when I knocked at the door, the noise immediately stopped. Nobody opened. So I knocked once more, louder. Silence again. So I screamed:
'I'm looking for Fagin, I have some business.'
The door opened about an inch, and I partly saw a hunched figure dressed in rags.
'I don't know you,' said a gentle voice of an apparently old man.
'But you can get to know me,' I answered firmly. 'And Nancy knows me already. If you want to earn a florin, let's strike up an acquaintance.'
An open hand went through the crack of the door.
'Payment first.'
'No deal.'
I heard a rattle of the chain and the door opened. And I was welcomed to Fagin's kingdom. The flat was actually quite spacious. There were boys sitting at the table, in the armchairs and on the couch, all of them smoking pipes and looking at me distrustfully.
The old man was in rags and seemed fragile. But it was enough to look at him more closely to realise that not all of it was true.
'Tell me your business.'
'I will give you a florin if you tell me what you know about Lenore's death.'
'I'll tell you everything, but I'm afraid you will cheat. Take out the coin and put in on the table, if you don't want to give it straight to me. And I will tell you who killed this woman.'
I did what he asked. Fagin stood by the table.
'She was killed by the gentlemen. For helping the poor, such as us.'
And then he very quickly grabbed the coin and put it in his pocket. One of the boys burst with laughter, but he was immediately silenced by the old man's glare.
'Who exactly killed her?'
'This I don't know for sure, but I'm almost certain it was Lord Bellinger, her previous employer. If I wanted to avenge her, I wouldn't have wasted any time investigating, I would've just vented my rage straight on him.
'Why would he do such a thing?'
'Because she humiliated him by resigning from working for such a nobleman and going to serve paupers such as us.'
'Can you prove it?'
'No, and you would not be able to either.' Lord Bellinger definitely didn't kill her with his own hands.'
'Why did she resign then?'
'Maybe he hurt her? You know, in the way that a man can hurt a woman most atrociously.'
My heart stopped for a moment at such an outrageous suggestion.
'Did she tell you something like this happened?'
'No, but women usually don't talk about these things.'
I was so shocked I had to sit. Though the room was full of people, mostly children, it was silent as a grave. I started to calculate if what Fagin told me was in any way possible. Indeed, everything was forming a logical narrative, but he had absolutely no proof. Just suggestions.
'If you ever want to take revenge on Lord Bellinger, just let me know. You could earn a lot of money... More than the florin you gave me. Much more.'
'First I need to make sure it was him.'
I stood up and went for the door. But just on my right I saw something that grabbed my attention. It was a giant map of London, lying on the floor, with figurines of little boys set out all around it.
'What is that?' I asked.
'Oh, it's just... A game of money, with map and pawns. Shows me my boys on duty. But I advise you not to look at it too much. It makes all of us nervous. And every one of my children has a knife and knows how to use it.’
I looked around the faces of the people present. An old man and a group of smoking children. One could not imagine less dangerous enemies, but for some reason for a moment I was frozen in fear.
'If I discover it was indeed Lord Bellinger, I will come back here and we will talk more.'
'All right,' said Fagin, smiling eerily. 'But if by chance it wasn't him at all, remember you can still earn some money from me, just by thumbing your nose at him.’
I left that flat deep in unhappy thoughts. I knew that tomorrow I need to pay a visit to very important person.
“Oh, it's just... A game of money, with map and pawns.” Story Goal achieved!
Alternative personality card revealed: Fagin.
New add-ons revealed: Victorian Coins and Canvas Mat.
Continue to EPISODE 8, 10.09.2018 at 06.00 AM EST.
There is no voting today, but there will be story update tomorrow (10.09.2018 at 06.00 AM EST), following the way you have chosen during the previous vote: A (162) -> B (58) -> C (8).
About the Add-ons
Additional set of 50 metal Victorian Coins and 99x66 cm Canvas Mat are add-ons that you can add to your pledge for extra cost.
To include add-ons in your pledge, please click on the Manage Your Pledge button. To include any items you would like to receive, simply increase your total pledge for the amount of the add-ons. For example - if you want to add Canvas Mat to your pledge, please click Manage Your Pledge button and increase your pledge from £60 to £95. You will be able to let us know in the Pledge Manager (after the campaign ends) which items you have added to your order.
The 50 metal Victorian Coins add-on do not affect your shipping price. The 99x66 cm Canvas Mat add-on will increase your shipping price by £8-£10 (this is huge!). You will pay for shipping in the pledge manager, after the campaign ends.
Thank you and happy gaming!
EPISODE 8 : Where the Rich Live
over 6 years ago
– Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 06:37:46 PM
This is a story driven Kickstarter campaign. It will be run as a paragraph game (gamebook). Under this link you will find a previous episode of the story. And here is a new one:
EPISODE 8 : Where the Rich Live
The West End is not the most precious and royal part of London, but is located right next to it. On one side there is the spacious and beautiful Hyde Park, and on the other an abundance of elegant stores, cafes, banks, and hotels. I looked at all of it with particular pleasure... but I did not know where to go.
Suddenly, among the hubbub I noticed a paperboy.
'Extra, extra, daily news! Radical neochartist agents arrested. A terrorist attack prevented. Women murderer still at large. Prince Albert offended by Queen Victoria, hides in the bedroom.'
A young man, possibly working here every day, should know the ins and outs of this district. I approached him confidently. Seeing me he smiled and held out a newspaper.
'Just a halfpenny, sir.'
'I'll give you more and leave the paper, if you help me.'
'What do you want?' he asked with mistrust.
I took out the locket with Lenore's portrait and showed it to him. 'I want to find the place where this woman worked not so long ago.' I hesitated, but then added: 'And the people she knew there.'
The boy looked at Lenore's picture for a while, then he looked at me, then at something over my shoulder.
'Please wait a second,' he said. 'That gentleman often buys the daily news from me. It will take just a moment.'
And then he ran to a modestly elegant (for this area) gentleman with a long moustache, screaming: 'Professor Moriarty! Your paper.'
His voice made me freeze. Moriarty? Did I hear it right? The one Sherlock Holmes warned me about? But Sherlock said he killed the man...
Professor Moriarty took the newspaper and sat comfortably on the nearest bench to read it.
And the boy came back to me.
'Thank you for waiting. The information will cost you a five pence.'
That wasn't a high price, but I was still surprised by his rapacity.
'I could buy ten of your papers for that.'
'Do you want a newspaper? Just a halfpenny.'
'No. I want information about this girl.'
'Then it will be a five pence. I spend all my time in London, I know Lenore, I saw her, and know where she went before she escaped to the East End.'
He gained my trust just with that last sentence. Without another word I gave him his money, and it disappeared in his pocket in the blink of an eye.
'Lenore worked for Lord Bellinger. You will find him in his residence, two side streets north. You cannot miss it, it's a big mansion. Lord Balmoral had a crush on her. He was often visiting Lord Bellinger with a flower bouquet for Lenore. But she didn't want him. And right before she scarpered, she visited Monsieur de Sidonia in his bank a couple of times, and she was always eggy upon leaving. I do not know if this will help you in any way, but this is all that I know.
“Extra, extra, daily news!” Story Goal achieved!
New agent sculpt revealed: Paperboy.
Now choose your next step
Questioning that boy was certainly a very good idea. Now it was just down to choosing to first:
- Approach professor Moriarty in a quick manner and capture him, using the element of surprise (vote A).
- Go to the palace of Lord Bellinger, where Lenore worked as a governess (vote B).
– Go to the mansion of Lord Balmoral, who made advances to my Lenore (vote C).
- Go to the bank of Monsieur de Sidonia and find out what my beloved wanted from him (vote D).
Please make your votes in the comments section of this update. One backer - one vote. If you use social media, you can also vote on the PHALANX Facebook profile.
We will count the votes at 06.00 AM EST and our character will follow the way you have choosen in a new update, posted at 10.00 AM EST.
Thank you and happy gaming!
EPISODE 9: The Banker
over 6 years ago
– Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 06:37:40 PM
This is a story driven Kickstarter campaign. It will be run as a paragraph game (gamebook). Under this link you will find a previous episode of the story. And here is a new one:
EPISODE 9: The Banker
I went to the big bank building and asked for a meeting with Monsieur de Sidonia. I was asked if I had an appointment, so I told them that if Monsignore does not want to have a visit from Scotland Yard, he will find a moment for mine. And that it's about Lenore.
After about 15 minutes, I was led to the office of this unusually rich and influential man.
'What kind of a gentleman are you, threatening people with the police?!'
'An honest man does not fear the police.'
'But an honest banker does! Nothing scares the clients and shareholders more than a rumour about a bank robbery or embezzlement. One false piece of information, once put into circulation, can inflict real damage to honest people. And you want to spread such rumours.'
'No, I do not. I'm just investigating Lenore's death.'
'And what exactly is my involvement in this case?'
'She visited you before she ran to the East End.'
'Ran or just moved there?'
'People say different things.'
'So I will tell you this: she moved there and was not in a great hurry. Before she moved, she was looking for money. A lot of it. And this is why she bothered me and others, like Mister Ebenezer Scrooge. She wanted a loan, which she naively believed would help her to start a charity, which will in turn bring the money back and even make a profit. Just a woman's naivete and lack of understanding of economy, that's what it was!'
'And what did you tell her?'
'That there's no chance for a loan and charities do not make profits. I was nice at first, but when she visited me for the fifth time, I told my employees that I considered her case closed and that she was not to be let in anymore. By some miracle she managed to run up to my door and scream that I would regret it. As far as I know, she was expelled by force.'
'Do you know what happened to her next?'
'No, and I really don't care. Do you have any more questions?'
I did not. So I thanked the man and started on my further quest to find the truth about the death of the most amazing woman I've ever met.
“Charities do not make profits.” Story Goal achieved!
Alternative personality card revealed: Monsieur de Sidonia. New building sculpt revealed: Bank.
Now choose your next step
I decided to:
- Go to the palace of Lord Bellinger, where Lenore worked as a governess (vote A).
– Go to the mansion of Lord Balmoral, who made advances to my Lenore (vote B).
- Go to the mansion of Mister Scrooge and find out why Lenore paid him a visit (vote C).
Please make your votes in the comments section of this update. One backer - one vote. If you use social media, you can also vote on the PHALANX Facebook profile.
We will count the votes at 06.00 AM EST and our character will follow the way you have choosen in a new update, posted at 10.00 AM EST.
You have asked for some better pictures of the Canvas Mat, so here they are!
This 99x66 cm Canvas Mat is an add-on that you can add to your pledge for an extra cost (35)£.
To include add-ons in your pledge, please click on the Manage Your Pledge button (do not cancel your pledge!). To include any items you would like to receive, simply increase your total pledge for the amount of the add-ons. For example - if you want to add Canvas Mat to your pledge, please click Manage Your Pledge button and increase your pledge from £60 to £95. You will be able to let us know in the Pledge Manager (after the campaign ends) which items you have added to your order.
Thank you and happy gaming!
EPISODE 10: Lambeth Palace
over 6 years ago
– Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 06:37:36 PM
This is a story driven Kickstarter campaign. It will be run as a paragraph game (gamebook). Under this link you will find a previous episode of the story. And here is a new one:
EPISODE 10: Lambeth Palace
I went to the palace of Lord Bellinger's. When I told the butler who I was and that I was investigating Lenore's death, I heard a scream from the adjacent room.
'Let him in. Let's be done with it.'
The butler bowed and led me to Lord Bellinger.
He was a stern-looking, haughty, and charismatic man with a very beady look.
'You do not look like a policeman.'
'Because I am not.'
'Then who are you and what do you want?'
'I already gave you my name. I'm investigating this for personal reasons. I want to get the bastard that killed Lenore.'
'So in fact we're sailing the same boat. I would like to get him myself. What would you like to know?'
'Why did Lenore leave?'
'I do not know nor understand it. She was recommended to me by Mister Thomas Gradgrind. She was an excellent governess. I was very satisfied with her.'
'And how did Mister Thomas know her?'
'I do not know that, but you can ask him yourself. He currently lives in London.'
'Did Lenore's behaviour change in any way before she resigned?'
''Yes. 'She started to spend more time talking to my maid.'
'What did they talk about?'
'I do not know, but I have nothing against you asking by yourself.'
'Thank you.'
'As I said, Lenore did spend more and more time with the maid. At one point I told her that because of that the maid was neglecting her duties. And what she did was not refraining from further gossiping, but she actually started to help the woman! Then she started to go outside more and more often. She did not neglect any of her duties, but I was reproachful.'
'Do you know where she was going?'
'No, I wasn't interested in that. I was just annoyed that she wasn't always close to my children.'
'And do you have any suspicions as to where she could have gone?'
'Well, Lord Balmoral was hopelessly in love with her. Maybe she was meeting him?'
My face contorted with anger at that remark.
'Was Lord Balmoral acting suspiciously after Lenore's death?' I asked after a while.
'He was devastated, that's for sure. When I learned that she moved to East End, I sent a friend after her to convince that her she should come back. I proposed better conditions, but she did not want to listen. I asked him to take a photo of her so I could be sure that she was alive and well, but she did not allow for it. The only thing I got was a picture of her tenement. A sorry sight. I knew it would not end well, so I told Lord Balmoral. He was certain that God would not let it be so and he made a bet with me that the girl would survive there or come back safe and sound. Unfortunately, as you probably already know, he lost the bet.'
'Who was that friend of yours who found Lenore?'
'I beg your pardon, but I'm a politician. Some of my friends must remain anonymous. Also in this case.'
I must admit I did not like this answer. Nor the fact that Lord Bellinger was betting on her dying. So I asked to provoke him:
'Who benefited from the death of this wonderful woman?'
The Lord pondered the question like he really did not comprehend what I was suggesting.
'The new governess, for sure,' he answered. 'She has not only gained a profitable position, but because I did not want to lose her too, I doubled her wages. I did warn her I was trying to get Lenore back, so her position might be just temporary. Apparently it wasn't and after Lenore's death it became permanent. I do not believe she's at fault, but you can question her anyway.
A moment of silence.
'Can I tell you anything more?'
'Not at the moment, I think.'
'And you would like to talk with my staff?'
RIght on point. I most certainly had to talk with the maid who spent so much time with Lenore and check if the new governess was in any way involved in her death.
So I went to the children's room, where I found the governess and Lord Bellinger's children.
I talked to her on the side, telling her it concerned Lenore's case. 'You think I'm also in danger?' she asked with wide eyes.
'What?! Why do you think that?'
'Because one governess is already missing. I can be next, as I understand?'
'Are you serious?!'
'Please, tell me if I'm in danger!'
She became more and more agitated, so I took her hands and spoke while looking straight into her eyes:
'I do not know anything that would suggest you should be in fear.'
'So why do you tear me away from my work?'
'Because you have benefited the most from Lenore's disappearance. I am aware that this position is quite profitable,' I said bluntly.
'You think I had something to do with her disappearance? How could that be, if I arrived in London long after she had resigned.'
Indeed, it made no sense. If that woman had been after Lenore's job, she would most likely have tried to replace her earlier. And now she looked so scared, like she was herself considering resigning her post.
I thanked her, ensured that she was safe and told her to go back to the children.
Well, this was pointless, so I went to the room where the maid was working. She was small, had on an apron, and was completely engulfed in her work. Hearing my approach, she turned around, bowed, and made a move to leave.
I stopped her, saying:
'Lord Bellinger informed me that you are able to tell me something interesting about our dearly departed Lenore.'
Her eyes glazed with tears.
'What would you like to know?'
'There was a time, not so long ago, when Lenore talked to you quite often. What did you talk about?'
'About my work.'
I laughed.
'You want to tell me that a governess was so interested in a maid's work that she spent hours talking about it?'
'With me, about my work. That's right, sir.'
'What did she ask about exactly?'
'How I like my job, how much I earn, how many people I have to support and such.'
'And what did you tell her?'
'The truth. That it's a good job. That I have three children. That my husband died. That my little son is ill. That sometimes I don't have enough for his medicine, even though I earn quite a lot. That I try to work the best I can. That if I lost my job, it would end very badly for every one of ous.'
'And what was Lenore's reaction?'
'Lenore said it was all very unfair.' The maid lowered her tone. 'That the Lord is not good to me at all if he lets my sick child to be left without an adult, like it was something unusual. I did not agree with her, of course. It's enough to just walk through East End to see people that really have it bad: children walking barefoot, decrepit old people dying in cold houses or on backstreets. I don't have it bad.'
'What else did you talk about?'
'Nothing more.'
'Don't lie.'
'I swear to God, sir. She told me things about society, oppression, unfairness, history and philosophy, but I understood nothing. She really wanted to teach me about these thing, but I'm but a simple woman and I had no knowledge about such things. That is all, I swear.'
Tears ran down her cheeks. I think she actually told me everything she knew. I thanked her and left the room.
I was just about to leave Lord Bellinger's mansion when I heard someone unusually outraged entering. He rushed boldly to the living room and spoke with a raised voice 'Bellinger, I'm trying to treat this boy good, but this is too much. Just too much. He really gets my goat.’
'Are you talking about your nephew, Holdhurst? What did the rascal do now?'
'Same as always. By God, why did I take pity on my sister. She complained to me, "He is 27 already, he has to work. He cannot continue to live off me and spend his evenings playing cards. Hire him, little brother. He will surely come in handy in the ministry. Let him feel important and needed." So I gave him the secret treaty with Italy to copy. He was alone in the office. Nobody could have known about this document except me, you, and the Queen. He was supposed to place it on his desk, copy it, then hide in the desk and lock it. What could have gone wrong?'
'He poured coffee all over it,' Lord Bellinger guessed.
'Not this time. He lost it! How, I ask?! How could he lose something that was supposed to be only in two places: on his desk and in his desk, locked? How could he lose it?
'And how did he explain it?'
'He didn't! He took time off. His wife cries and says he has "brain fever". For God's sake! He always has brain fever when something goes wrong and he needs to hide from me. It's only because of my sister I didn't tell him it's impossible in his case, because this disease cannot affect people with no brain! It's good you have a copy of the document. Is it safe with you?'
'It is. But let's not talk about it. You know very well it's a matter of national importance.'
I realised it would be much better not to hear such things. So I moved back up the corridor quietly and again walked in the direction of the living room, just this time stepping very loudly. Thank God I tripped on the carpet, because that just ensured the Lords that I was coming from afar. I greeted Lord Holdhurst and soon said my goodbyes both to him and Lord Bellinger.
Visiting this place gave me some food for thought, but I couldn't finish the investigation just yet.
“I have nothing against you asking by yourself.” Story Goal achieved!
Alternative personality cards revealed: Lord Bellinger, Lord Holdhurst. New agent sculpts revealed: Governess, Maid.
Now choose your next step
I decided to:
- Go to the mansion of Lord Balmoral, who made advances to my Lenore (vote A).
- Go to the mansion of Mister Scrooge and find out why Lenore paid him a visit (vote B).
- Go to the institution of Mister Thomas Gradgrind to learn how he knew Lenore (vote C).
Please make your votes in the comments section of this update. One backer - one vote. If you use social media, you can also vote on the PHALANX Facebook profile.
We will count the votes at 06.00 AM EST and our character will follow the way you have choosen in a new update, posted at 10.00 AM EST.